
Accredited Training Institution - Level 1

A Level 1 Accredited Training Institute is required to comply with all our standard guidelines for conducting training and examination sessions upto Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Level. Faculty must include an SSF (Six Sigma Foundation) qualified ATP (Accredited Training Professional) till Black Belt Level as well.

Accredited Training Institution - Level 2

A Level 2 Accredited Training Institute is required to comply with all our standard guidelines for conducting training and examination sessions upto Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Level. Faculty must include an SSF (Six Sigma Foundation) qualified ATP (Accredited Training Professional) till Master Black Belt Level. A Level 2 institute is considered as a partner institute qualified to conduct and appraise ATPs as per SSF ATP examination norms and guidelines. A Level 2 accreditation is only available to those institutes which have successfully attained Level 1 ATI status and retained the same for 1 year or more.

Process steps followed during your accreditation application to become an SSF ATI (Accredited Training Institute)

Accredited Training Institutes

Process Self-Evaluation Sheet

Request our standards guidelines along with an initial self-evaluation checklist for free and assess your current compliance levels with our accreditation and examination guidelines.

Tally Evidences and Setup Primary Audit

Send the self-evaluation checklist along with references of practices indicators or evidences to support your answers and setup a timeline for the primary compliance audit.


Share Gaps, Suggestions and get Action-Plan

Get an action plan and a suggested roadmap for improvements or compliance requirements to receive accreditation.


Validate Certification Process and Issue Logo

Get Re-Audited for the second time to check for closure of gaps and re-submit the accreditation evaluation checklist with practice indicators. Get Accreditation and official logo to be used with your certification process.

Get Accreditation

Start Your Initial Process Evaluation ...

Accredited Training Professional - Black Belt Level

An ATP or Accredited Training Professional is an individual who has cleared the requirements for training/coaching other professionals till Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Level as as per SSF norms.

Accredited Training Professional - Master Black Belt Level

An ATP or Accredited Training Professional is an individual who has cleared the requirements for training/coaching other professionals till Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Level as as per SSF norms.

Steps to become a Six Sigma Foundation ATP

Accredited Training Professionals

Clear Certification and Accreditation Exams

Clear Certification and Accreditation Exams from a Level-2 Accredited/Partner Institute of SSF (Six Sigma Foundation) with the required pass grade as per SSF processes.

Process Self-Evaluation Sheet and Submit Academic Records

Answer the questions on the self-evaluation sheet and attach supporting records where necessary and submit to SSF.